Since Granddaddy passed, Nana and Pawpaw (and Cat and Kyrsa) decided to come down to help us out while we had the vieiwing and funeral. They were such a big help!! Special thanks to them for all they did. I don't know what we would have done without them.
Snoozing with Aunt Cat

Snoozing with Nana
Pirate decided he wanted some loving, too!
While they were here, Nana and Pawpaw gave Boogieboos a new mobile. Bill put it together tonight, and Bb really enjoyed his play time.
He also got an aquarium for his cribside. You can see it in the video above. We haven't gotten video of him with that yet, but he likes it! :) It's kind of hard to get video without moving the crib.
Awww, he does like his mobile, doesn't he?! Precious boy. Felish, I was so sorry to hear of the passing of your wonderful grandfather. I know that was super hard. Boy, you've had some unbelievably tough weeks! I hope things are just bliss for a long time!